Our Core Values

  • Diversity

    Ephesians 3 instructs us that diversity in the body of Christ reveals a more brilliant perspective of God’s nature. We seek to pursue a diversity that is multi-ethnic, one that is not color blind but appreciates the unique expression of God’s gift through differing cultures. We encompass believers of various generations, socio-economic status, political affiliation to showcase the multi-faceted kingdom of God to the world.

  • Grace-Oriented

    We are founded upon the lavish grace of the good news of Jesus Christ. While we were enemies with God, he made peace between us and adopted us into his family. The grace of God gives us security to be vulnerable, knowing that he will not reject us. We are more than the worst decision we have made. We do not hoard that gift but extend it to bless others around us.

  • Justice Seeking

    In the words of the Book of Common Prayer, “Grant us grace to contend fearlessly against evil and to make no peace with oppression; and help us to use our freedom rightly in the establishment of justice in our communities and among the nations…” We seek to be a people of confession, repentance, and action to repair brokenness in our community and alleviate the suffering of others.

  • God Honoring

    Our primary goal in life is to know and serve God, there is no higher calling. We seek to honor God with our lives, how we live, think, and act. All things belong to God and therefore there is not a square inch in all of Creation that he does not have authority over. We seek to glorify God through our work, play, and rest.

  • Belonging

    Restoration Community Church is a safe place to encounter and explore God. Believing what we believe is not a prerequisite for regular church attendance. We seek to be a warm environment where people can tangibly experience the love of Jesus Christ regardless of what baggage they might bring in with them when they walk through the church doors.

  • Equipping

    We have not been abandoned to our own devices, but God has given us a counselor to guide and empower us in this life. We seek to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit. We trust his wisdom. We are sensitive to his conviction. We are generous with his gifts.