9/3/23 - Leadership According to Exodus 18

  • Are you fatigued?

  • Are you self-alienating from friends and family? When is the last time you had regular community you enjoyed?

  • Are you trying to prove yourself?

  • Who is your Jethro? Who is your Zipporah?

  • Is Egypt still in you?

8/27/23 - A Heart that Honors God

  • Are you trusting yourself or God?

  • Are you a grace-giver or a gatekeeper?

8/13/23 - Doubt and Reassurance (Luke 7:18-28)

  • In what ways have you asked if Jesus was truly the one to come? How might you respond to this in light of today’s message?

  • How has scripture shaped your life and do you see it as God’s word or just a book?

  • How does knowing that “the least in the kingdom” are greater than John affect how you see yourself?

8/6/23 - You Can’t Go Home Again (Nehemiah 2)

  • How do you navigate the tension between nostalgia for "the Good Ol' Days" and embracing God's vision for your future? 

  • Can you think of a time when you had to choose between holding onto the past and stepping into a new chapter that God had planned for you?

  • How can we discern whether our desire to rebuild the past is based on genuine restoration or a resistance to change?

  • How does the promise of a future hope in Christ shape your perspective on dealing with change and moving forward in faith?

7/30/23 - The Vision of the New Temple (Ezekiel 40-48)

  • What part of the book of Ezekiel was the most difficult for you to digest? Why?

  • What is one area of life that you anxiously await God’s healing restoration?

  • Meditate on Revelation 21:1-22:5. Thank God for his present redemption in Jesus and promises of future restoration.

7/23/23 - The Valley of Dry Bones (Ezekiel 37)

  • Can you identify a “valley of dry bones” in your life? A place of despair that feels hopeless?

  • Use your creative imagination to explore what God could do with this space. What might redemption look like?

  • How can you join with God to make that vision a reality?

7/16/23 - God’s Concern for His Holy Name (Ezekiel 36)

  • Think of a habit you have tried to stop/start. What might it look like to invite God’s transformation instead of trying to change by brute force?

  • This week pay attention to the negative emotions that you feel. Are you able to classify them as guilt (good) and shame (bad)?

  • Meditate on Ezekiel 36:24-38. Which of the future promises are most compelling to you? Why?

7/9/23 - Woe to the Shepherds of Israel (Ezekiel 34)

  • This passage does not correspond with the American government, but looking at the chastisement of the shepherds (who were political figures) in Ezekiel 34, what elements should be present in compassionate/servant/political leadership? What is missing in our political experience?

  • Where is the Holy Spirit bringing conviction of your pursuit of excess? How can you seek transformation in this area of life?

  • Are you living in alignment with the good shepherd? Are you in his flock, following the sound of his voice? Why or why not?

7/2/23 - God’s Patience with Israel (Ezekiel 20)

  • Think of a few examples where you saw this 6-step rhythm in your own life. Where have you seen God’s faithfulness amid it?

  • What habits can you form to help your orientation to God be true and not off even by a degree?

  • When was the last time you really honored the Sabbath? Give it a try this week as a statement of rebellion to your to do list, and sit in the grace of his love.

6/23/25 - Israel’s Idolatry (Ezekiel 8-11)

  • What is your source of security? When life becomes difficult, what is the first place that you turn to?

  • Does your picture of God have room for a God of wrath and judgment? What mental or emotional barriers might be standing in the way?

6/18/23 - The Call of Ezekiel (Ezekiel 2-3)

  • When was the last time you verbally communicated the gospel to someone else? What barriers keep you from doing this more frequently?

  • As you look back at the last week. Have you relied more upon your own self-reliance or the Holy Spirit?

6/11/23 - The Glory of God (Ezekiel 1)

  • This passage describes some physical characteristics of the image of God. When you picture God, what does he look like? Is that picture Biblical?

  • We have greater access to God through Jesus than those in the Old Testament. But how does Ezekiel’s response to this vision shape how you ought to approach God?

  • Are you more concerned that God is on your side or that you are on his? Why?

5/28/23 - The Tapestry - The Sacrifice of Isaac (Genesis 22)

  • What do you cherish most in this life? How would you respond if God asked you to give it up?

  • Are there other models of atonement that you prefer over the Penal Substitutionary Theory? How are they biblically supported?

  • Put yourself in Isaac’s shoes. What emotions do you think he was experiencing in this series of events? How do we reconcile his trauma with the overarching plan of God?

5/21/23 - The Tapestry - The Birth of Isaac Foretold and Fulfilled (Genesis 17-18)

  • Is there something that you have been waiting a long time for God to fulfill? How do you hold onto hope when it feels like he delays?

  • Do you believe that God is El Shaddai, God Almighty? Are there limits that you put on the power of God?

  • What is a negative situation in your life in the past that God has turned into a positive for your good and his glory?

5/14/23 - The Tapestry - The God Who Sees (Genesis 16)

  • Read the stories of Abraham again, seeing it not as a prescription of a righteous life, but as a description of a faithful God amidst impaired humans.

  • How does God’s promises towards Ishmael shape your perspective of the Palestinians and Islam?

  • Is there any area of pain or trauma that you have tried to keep God at arms length? What might it look like to process through the grief with him?

5/7/23 - The Tapestry - God’s Covenant with Abram (Genesis 15)

  • Are there situations you stretch or distort what is happening around you to try to fit them into your perception of God’s will? Why do you do this?

  • What do you think God’s promises of people and land for Abram look like today?

  • What are you going to do, now that you don’t have to do anything?

4/30/23 - The Tapestry - The Call of Abram (Genesis 12)

  • Spend some time considering the blessings you have received from God. How are you using these as opportunities to bless others?

  • Consider some areas that you have sinned. Confess those sins before God and repent from them, thanking the Lord for his faithfulness despite our faithlessness.

  • What does obedience look like when we don’t have to obey to earn God’s favor?

4/23/23 - The Tapestry - The Tower of Babel (Genesis 11)

  • How can you participate in the command in Genesis 1:28 to create and cultivate culture that reflects God’s glory?

  • What are the links you see between the story of the tower of Babel (Gen 11) and Pentecost (Acts 2)?

  • What behaviors do you use to [inadvertently] try to control God?

4/16/23 - FAQ Sunday - Communion

  • Which of the four views on communion do you most align with?

  • What criteria do you think should guide whether or not someone participates in communion and why?

  • How can you think about communion so that you can experience a glimpse of that future feast we will share together in God’s presence?

4/9/23 - The Goodness of God and the Problem of Evil

  • What events or experiences cause you to struggle with doubt in God’s goodness? How do you assuage those doubts?

  • What meaning does it provide for you that Jesus did not insulate himself from suffering, but entered our world to face it head on?

  • How can you carry the hope from the empty tomb with you this week and apply it to your circumstances?

4/2/23 - Spiritual Disciplines - Celebration

  • How do you think we can honor God through our hobbies and leisure activities, as Eric Liddell did through his running?

  • What is your definition of the Sabbath, and how do you observe it in your own life? Do you think there is more to the Sabbath than just resting from work?

  • Why do people often have false notions about the Sabbath, and how can we avoid falling into the trap of legalism and fear-based observance?

  • What does it mean for the Sabbath to be a celebration of God's creation and our freedom in Christ, and how can we cultivate a deeper sense of joy and renewal through Sabbath observance?

3/26/23 - Spiritual Disciplines - Guidance

  • Why do you think guidance is listed as a corporate discipline?

  • What are some elements necessary to reach the level of unanimity that we find in the Council of Jerusalem in Acts chapter 15?

  • What is a decision you have to make that you could invite some friends to help you discern God’s will?

3/19/23 - Spiritual Disciplines - Worship

  • What are some liturgies in worship that you resonate with? What are some liturgies that you have trouble connecting to?

  • What motivates you to stay connected to the corporate dimension of worship?

  • How will you prepare yourself for worship next week?

3/12/23 - Spiritual Disciplines - Confession

  • How do you imagine God viewing you in confession? Is he angry, impatient, or compassionate? How can you lean into what the Bible says of his mercy?

  • Would you feel comfortable confessing your sins to a trusted friend? Why or why not?

  • Read Psalm 103:8-14. As you confess sins before God, visualize the infinite distance that God casts our sins from us, as far as the east is from the west.

  • Find time to put together a confession journal and allow God to reveal sins from your past that might be hindering you in the present.

3/5/23 - Spiritual Disciplines - Service

  • How can you move from “natural service” [service by your own effort] to “true service” for God’s kingdom?

  • Is God calling you to serve someone who you don’t want to? What prevents you from taking this step of compassion? (It could be an issue with you or them)

  • What is one new arena of service that you can consider this week to bless others?

2/26/23 - Spiritual Disciplines - Submission

  • Meditate on Philippians 2:3-11. How does this “cross-life” of Jesus motivate and empower you to live a “cross-life” towards others?

  • What is a challenging relationship that God might be inviting you to carry a posture of greater submission towards?

  • Which of the 7 acts of submission is the most difficult for you? Why? (God, Scripture, Family, Neighbors, Church, Oppressed, World)

2/19/23 - Spiritual Disciplines - Solitude (and Silence)

  • The gospels display the importance of Jesus’ regular retreats. Why do you think we don’t put the same priority on this practice of faith?

  • As you practice not defending yourself this week, what feelings do you find arising in you? What do these feelings communicate to you about your belief that God is your justifier?

  • Mark your calendar for a morning, afternoon, or evening that you can set aside to have a mini retreat with God.

2/12/23 - Spiritual Disciplines - Simplicity

  • Of the three inward attitudes, which is the most descriptive of you? (I earned it, I must protect it, I don’t have to share it)

  • Pick one or two from that list of 10 examples and think of ways you can change your rhythms to put them into practice.

  • Meditate on Matthew 6:25-34. Do you truly believe these words of Jesus? What can help you lean more into these truths?

2/5/23 - Spiritual Disciplines - Study

  • How would you compare and contrast the spiritual discipline of study with the studying you would do for a school exam?

  • Which of the four steps of study is the most difficult for you? (Repetition, Concentration, Comprehension, Reflection)

  • The Bible is the most important book for us to study. Do you agree or disagree with that statement? Are you giving time and focus reflective of your answer to that question?

1/29/23 - Spiritual Disciplines - Fasting

  • What emotion do you often find yourself covering with food? (i.e., grief, boredom, anger, anxiety, fear)

  • What is keeping you from trying a 24 hour fast? How can you overcome that obstacle?

  • Will you commit to fasting lunch on Friday, February 3rd? If you cannot fit that time frame, find another meal to abstain from food, and dedicate it as a time of prayer to the Lord.

1/22/23 - Spiritual Disciplines - Prayer

  • Do you seek God in prayer or just blessings?

  • Prayer is where God changes us. Do you share your heart with him in prayer or is it a religious performance?

  • Do you truly believe God wants to hear from you?

  • Do you pray with expectation?

1/15/23 - Spiritual Disciplines - Meditation

  • What do you think of when you hear the phrase “spiritual disciplines?” Is it a mostly positive or negative feeling? Why?

  • Which of the four examples of meditation most resonates with you?

  • This week, select a story of Scripture and focus on it every day of the week. See yourself as a character in it and try to experience the text in a new way.

1/8/23 - FAQ Sunday - Angels

  • What of this discourse was new to you? What did you agree and disagree with and why?

  • How do you think you would react if you were in the presence of one of the cherubim?

  • Can you think of an experience which may have been an angelic encounter?

1/1/23 - “Let My Words Be Few”

  • If you haven’t done so, spend some time brainstorming what 16 words you would use to honor and worship God.

  • Read Revelation 4:8; what characteristics of God’s nature do you find missing in the angelic proclamation?

  • Each day you go to God in prayer, begin with adoration, telling God why he is great, before jumping into your list of needs.

12/18/22 - “Advent: Love”

  • Can you identify relationships where you pursue each of the four definitions of love? (Affection, Friendship, Romance, Charity)

  • Do you see a connection between the love of God in the Old and New Testaments? Why or why not?

  • Meditate every day this week on 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. What is one component of love that you are failing where you can invite God to change your attitude?

12/4/22 - “Advent: Peace”

  • Where do you most clearly see the need for Christ’s peace to heal a broken world?

  • What is one action item you can take this week to seek shalom in one of the relationships affected by sin (people-God, people-people, people-self, people-world)?

  • Meditate on John 14:27 & 16:33. How can you receive the peace of Jesus and rest in his faithfulness even when things are hard?

11/27/22 - “Advent: Hope”

  • How can your excitement and anticipation for Christmas morning help guide you into similar feelings for the return of Christ

  • Read Revelation 19. Does the picture of Christ in this passage fit with your portrait of him in the gospels? Why or why not?

  • Do you feel prepared for the return of Jesus? Why or why not?

11/20/22 - “I AM the Vine”

  • How do you pursue intimacy with Jesus? Are you making time for connection with him? If not, what do you need to do to change that?

  • Who are the people God has put in your life that are difficult to love? How can you model Jesus’ love even for Judas, as you interact with them?

  • When you encounter pain in your life, is your first reaction to think God is unhappy with you? How can you reorient your perspective to see God’s pruning work in your pain?

11/13/22 - “I AM the Way the Truth and the Life”

  • If you could have heaven with all the benefits it provides, but Jesus was not there, would you want to stay?

  • How do you respond to the exclusive claim of Jesus in this statement? Why do you think you feel that way?

  • How well do you understand the Trinity? Do you feel capable of explaining the nature of the Godhead to others? Why or why not?

11/6/22 - “I AM the Resurrection and the Life”

  • What are some of the implications of Jesus’ ferocity towards death? How does this give you a glimpse into the goodness of God?

  • Have you experienced a situation where well-meaning friends encouraged you to move too quickly through your grief during a loss? How did that experience shape you?

  • Do you feel the assurance that you will be with Jesus when you die? Why or why not?

10/30/22 - “I AM the Good Shepherd”

  • What distractions prevent you from hearing the voice of Jesus? What step(s) can you take to be in a better position to hear him?

  • Who are the “sheep of another fold” whom God has placed on your heart to be a messenger of the good news to?

  • When have you felt the farthest from God? Meditate on Luke 15:3-7, remembering that Jesus has sought us even when we were far, to bring us back into the family of God.